Life is random, so does my music...
I have an massive iTunes library that contains 11,167 items, 32.1 days, 78.33 GB (in size), and I prefer to have them played by random, letting me re-discover the songs that I haven't heard a long time.
Here is the list of the songs that my iTunes picked up today, just for fun.
- Bob Dylan - It Takes a lot to laugh, It takes a Train to cry (from "Highway 61 Revisited", 1965. Bob Dylan 不愧是民歌之王,更是把民歌電氣化之父)
- Walk Don't Run - The Ventures
- 問 - 陳淑樺 (album: "東方之珠 IV")
- As Tears Go By - Susan Wong (album: "I wish your love". 很多人都猜不到這歌是由 Rolling Stones 成員所寫的!)
- 萬能的你 - 譚詠麟 (album: "迷惑", 1987. 個人覺得是阿倫的巔峰時期的唱片)
- Us and Them - Pink Floyd (album: "P.U.L.S.E." - 現在聽起來不禁唏噓, Richard Wright 都過了身了)
- 夜來香 - 李香蘭 (唱片 "留聲歲月 Vol.1" - 早年 EMI/百代 擁有極多四十年代上海歌手的作品,此為其一)
- Amani - Beyond (album: "Beyond 25 anniversary")
- Moon - George Winston (album "Autumn" - A milestone new-age album, relaxing my pressure from work...)
- Seven Stones - Genesis (album: "Nursery Cryme" - Prog. Rock 始終係我杯茶)
- ....
Next step: Shop for a turntable, and re-discover the fun in playing vinyl discs.
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