

在 Facebook 上見到很多朋友,想 add 佢地又唔敢按個 "add to friend" link,怕被拒;
在看朋友的 blog,有點東西想回覆,但想想下又覺得佢地未必希望我出現;
在地鐵上見到鄰座的女士拿著個 BlackBurry 來覆公司 e-mail 會覺得自慚;


6 留言:


Would chamomile tea help you sleep better?

I understand that work can be stressful, but it is not worth getting upset like this. You have friends like us. You should utilize our ears. If you want to talk about it, we are here to listen.

In terms of adding people on FB, think of it this way – at least you have made an effort to be friendly. You won’t know if you don’t try. I have added some friends before but they did not add me back. It is completely okay. :) Remember, it might not be a reflection on you.

In addition, I love seeing responses on my blog. It is just that I have not been able to keep writing. Leaving responses on a blog can be great encouragement for the writers. Perhaps, I have not been writing because you have not left any responses on my blog. :)

Lastly, do you really want the Blackberry? It is an invisible leash. I would rather be without it.


Totally agree with Winny!

Being responsible for 24-hr emailing is a punishment rather than a respectful social status.

BTW, if financially OK, I highly recommend you to be a work-at-home freelance programmer. Office and teamwork is not good for you, your families, your friends and your health (mental and physical).

Don't waste your time doing some 人人都識做嘅嘢! You have your gift and talent (You God embedded long long time ago). You envy those iPhone programmers? Launch your first app now!


拿著個 BlackBurry來覆公司e-mail是成就嗎? BlackBurry是手機,還是公司強加諸員工的科技手銬?



Captain Apollo

Prepare yourself. Once opportunity comes, hold it tight and you may succeed . You can ask my wife how much effort I put in to try to get my break! :-) My break does not come yet but it will! So does yours.

I am a cowboy. No matter how the situation is in a gun fight, I just want to be the last man stand. :-)

I recommend you to read 'The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable' by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Everyone needs to have luck to succeed.

You can moonlight on your own iPhone software project. If it works out, you can quit your day job and be your own boss. If it fail, you still have your day job and have nothing to lose. This is what most people do.

Have faith, brother!


Just wanted to share something with you – I just got rejected for an internal final round of interview. If I did not try, I would not even know that I could make it to the initial and second rounds! Am I upset? Of course! (maybe for about an hour or two) However, I did my best. I can always try next year. All of a sudden, I remember such lyrics:


Even though it’s about romance, it works on job interviews, too!

From a religious angle, things happen for a reason. Have faith. I do not know what exactly I am destined to do yet. All I know is that I would not just sit around and do nothing because it is a waste of time. Remember, we have free will. There are tons of other things to do in life.




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